Over the years of putting on songs of praise afternoons and concerts we have recorded a number of the items that we sing and play. This page features a number of the songs that have been completed.
We’ve also recorded and produced a number of music videos, which you can view below!
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It Is Well, written by Horatio Spafford, is the testimony of a man who's faith in Jesus Christ, even during some of the hardest times in his life, gave him the ability to say, "Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, 'It is well, it is well with my soul'". Spafford, a Prespetarian preacher, organised a family holiday to Europe to hear one of his favourite preachers, D. L. Moody, speak. After sending his family ahead, the ship was struck by a passing vessel, claiming the lives of 226 people, as well as his four daughters. His wife survived the tragedy, sending him a telegram stating, 'Saved alone'. Spafford took a ship to meet his wife in England and as he travelled, penned the wonderful hymn 'It Is Well'.
The world is always filled with things that disappoint and turn our attention away from the Lord. With the current world situation and depression being at an all time high, if we look at the things of the world we will be left feeling unfulfilled. It's only through the Lord and turning our focus to Him that we will be able to experience the true peace and joy that can be found in Christ.
This is our youngest blessing, Jordyn. She kept asking if she could sing, so we thought we would record her favourite song to sing.
With everything that is going on in the world, it is easy for us to focus on the troubles and trials around us and not on the Lord, who has everything within His control. The verse in Philippians 4:6&7 says it perfectly: "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus". Just as Peter had a renewed sense of peace as he looked away from the waves on the water, if we look to the Lord during the storms of our time, it will fill our heart with peace and joy.
This is such a beautiful hymn that has been a real blessing to us over the past few months. It gives such a clear and powerful message of total dedication to the Lord, regardless of how life is going. The main line in the chorus should be the cry of all our hearts, "I Surrender All".
This song is such a testimony to God's goodness to us, even in difficult times when it seems our prayers aren't being effective. Each and every storm we face in life is surrounded by Gods love, and we can rest assured that no matter how hard things get for us, He will never leave us or forsake us, and He will keep us safe, until the storm passes by.
The pure love of our Creator, God, displayed in perfection through Jesus Christ, who is God, is so great that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. The grace offered to us by God and made possible by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ dying on a cross to take away the sin of the world, is available to whosoever shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead. That person shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Hallelujah, What A Saviour is such a beautiful reminder about the true meaning behind Easter. We are all indebted to God for His amazing sacrifice 2,000 years ago when He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. It is because of this we can live in assurance of life eternal!
We are so excited about this brand new song written by Jacob Evans. It was written as a tribute to the blessed country of Australia, and to honour the giver of this great land, the Lord Jesus Christ. It's our hope and prayer that as you hear this song you will be blessed and encouraged in your faith and continue to follow Christ as He leads this nation. Please like and share this video to all your friends and family!
This amazing hymn was written by Frederick M. Lehman in 1917, during the difficulties of the first world war. The first two verses beautifully describe God's abundant love towards us and how much He cares for us, even though we've failed Him so often. However the third verse was not written by Lehman, but was earlier discovered anonymously on the wall of an insane asylum, and states that even if all of the trees on the earth became a quill, every ocean ink and every man a scribe, the love of God still couldn't properly be described. These words are so fitting and such a comfort as we continue to face the troubles of the world, knowing that Jesus is still on the throne, regardless of what happens we can rest safely in His love.
Nothing better than singing the scriptures. We love this singing this song live at our concerts. Jacob wrote this few years back and it is taken from Rom 8:35-39. This is a wonderful passage that reminds us of Gods promise that nothing can take us out of His hand. The Lords love and justice is unbounding toward us and He has promised to be with us alway, even unto the end of the world (Matt 28:20).
We love this great hymn of the faith by Fanny Crosby. She truly was inspired and blessed by the Lord to write such wonderful and uplifting worship music for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
This song was performed at the Warragul Songs of Praise 2018 Words and Music by Jacob Evans - © Copyright JDE FORCHRISTMUSIC 201
This is one of the beautiful hymns of the faith by Fanny Crosby, written back in 1869. During times like these, where no one knows what the future holds, we can rest assured knowing that the Lord has everything in His sovereign control, and that whatever happens, He does all things well. The words of this song should be our prayer for the days ahead, 'Jesus, keep me near the cross'. We hope and pray that this song is an encouragement to you today, may the Lord bless you richly!
This is such a beautiful reminder that Jesus cares about everything we are going through. Often times we wonder if He is there, or if He is even listening to our prayers, but God's word shows us that He is always by our side, no matter what we're experiencing. Whether it's through tempation, after loosing a loved one, or facing the darkest night of our lives, God's heart is truely touched by our grief.
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